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Volunteer Training...the Next Steps

We're excited for you to join our team of dedicated volunteers!

You've completed the Volunteer Application, heard back from us, and you're ready for the next steps.

  1. Attend a New Volunteer Training

  2. Background check completed (for those 18 and up)

  3. Watch the CPR/First Aid videos (below)

  4. Fill out the Google Form below, indicating you have watched all EIGHT videos

  5. Watch for an invite to the Volunteer Facebook group

  6. Watch for an invite to the Remind App

  7. Get involved! There are many opportunities to get involved at Triple H Ranch. Watch the Volunteer Facebook page, the Remind app, and the website for more info.​​​

CPR & First Aid Videos

Triple H Ranch & Therapeutic Horsemanship LLC


Foundation, Inc.

a 501c3 non profit organization


Sheila Martin

for more information





5405 N. Kennedy Rd.

Milton, WI 53563

Socialize with us

  • Triple H Ranch & Therapeutic Horsemanship
  • Instagram

PATH, Int. Certified


Riding Instructor


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